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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hunting: A Sport or a Hobby?

Hunting happens to be the pursuit of living creatures in the wild such as jungles, forests, and woods. Contrary to common opinion, it is not simply about running after some wildlife animals in the likes of bird, boar, deer, etc. The activity highly demands physical and mental competencies to effectively carry out hunting strategies necessary to cut the chase. Otherwise, the hunter is likely to head home empty-handed.

Wildlife animal pursuit may vary depending on the ultimate objective of the hunting activity. Hunting, in general, may serve different ends including food, recreation, trade, or even extermination. Whichever purpose it may serve, hunting activities breed on common ground. That is capturing wildlife animals at large in their natural environment.

Modern hunting, in particular, is observed for purposes of recreation. The activity, more often than not, is common to people belonging in the upper class bracket of the society. Hunting in medieval Europe, for instance, is exclusive to aristocracy by virtue of vast feudal territories. Over the years, it turned out to be a competitive pastime for aristocrats to practice their battle skills. 
Recreational hunting evolved as a sports activity. The hunting game is commonly characterized by stylish pursuit of animals. Sport hunters are groomed with horses or chariots akin to sport tournaments. Hunting on a horseback or chariot is likely employed in dangerous hunting games in pursuit of wild boars or lions. 

Sport hunters are not supposed to go into the wild empty-handed. Hunting enthusiasts are expected to carry some hunting tools specifically an air rifle along the pursuit. Hunters, in the same way, are escorted by domesticated dogs such as Golden retriever, Chesapeake retriever, and Labrador retriever. 

Whether recreational or sport hunting, regulatory rules have been imposed on hunters. Even urban legends suggest old rules and regulations pertaining to the hunting activity. Unauthorized hunters, for instance, can be held liable for hunting the King’s deer. In modern-day hunting, the practice is further regulated to prevent hunting of endangered species that may vary from one country to another. 

Back in the good old times, subsistence happens to be the ultimate end of hunting activities. Early human beings practice hunting to secure food supply for the family in form of animal meat, bone, and protein. Anthropological studies revealed old hunting weapons like arrow, atlatl, bone, spear, and rocks. 

Pre-historic culture, as a matter of fact, is testament to the old ways of life that include hunting activity. Whale hunting has been practiced three thousand years ago according to the study conducted by a Russian-American research team. The pool of researchers believes that the hunting tools illustrated in the ivory carving were used by people in the southern portion of the Chukotka Peninsula in pre-historic times. 

Men are likely born to be hunters. Hunting, along with gathering, happens to be deeply intertwined with the existence of human beings. Survival of the fittest suggests that the best hunting species shall prevail over the others left behind as preys. Perhaps that explains why Homo sapiens get their adrenaline pumping chasing after some wild animals in the jungle either for the sake of sport or hobby.


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