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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Joaquin Cortes

Joaquin Cortes is a Spanish ballet and flamenco dancer that hails from Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain.  He was born on February 22, 1969 and he displayed a flair and talent for dancing at a very early age.  When his family moved to the city of Madrid in 1981, he began to foster his dancing skills more seriously and he began to take formal lessons to further hone his dancing talent.

At the age of fifteen, he became a member of the prestigious Spanish National Ballet company.  This allowed him to partake in many international performances which included some of the most important and respected venues in the world such as the Kremlin Palace in Russia and the Cosmopolitan Opera House in the United States of America.  His time with the Spanish National Ballet company also displayed his impressive talents and skills as a crowd pleasing solo performer.  His performances were always a showcase of his incredible energy and athleticism which made him stand out from the other dancers of his era.

However, as he matured, Joaquin Cortes began to have the need for more creative control over his performances that was simply not possible as a member of the Spanish National Ballet company.  This need and desire motivated him to start his own dance and ballet company which he called the Joaquin Cortes Flamenco Ballet Company.  This allowed him to diverge from the world of “purist” ballet and let him develop his own style of dance which was an artistic fusion of different types of dance such as ballet, flamenco, and even modern dance.  In 1992, Joaquin embarked on his first worldwide dance tour which was called the “Cibayi”.  In 1995, Joaquin ventured into the world of movies when he was featured in two films: the “La flor de mi secreto” and “Flamenco”.  In the same year though, he get on the venture that would really put him in the world map not only as a highly talented dancer, but as a gifted choreographer and a creative artistic director as well.  This venture was the “Pasion Gitana” or the “Gypsy Passion”.  Up to this time, the “Pasion Gitana” is still considered his most impressive and most successful production.  In 1999, Joaquin was again part of the movie world as he became the subject of his very own documentary film.  In the same year, he also launched “Soul” – a dance tour that spanned the continents of North and South America. 

At the turn of the century, Joaquin Cortes continued to have success in his endeavors.  In 2000, he was able to get a role in the movie “Gitano”. In 2001, he was a guest performer in one of the concerts of Jennifer Lopez in Puerto Rico while in 2004 he landed a role in the movie “Vaniglia e cioccolato”.  Also in 2004, Joaquin became a part of the “De Amor y Odio”, an international dance tour that provided him performances in different countries including Thailand, Portugal, and England.  In 2007, Joaquin Cortes started his current dance spectacle entitled “Mi Soledad”.


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