The term isotonic is derived from the Greek words “iso” (equal) and “tonos” (pressure) which literally means equal pressure. In turn, an isotonic drink is meant to contain the same osmotic pressure as the bloodstream, by means of similar solute content. This way, the body can quickly absorb the fluid without consuming substantial amount of energy. To be able to do this, most of isotonic solutions maintain an osmolarity level of 250-340 mOsm/L that most likely suits the concentration of blood particles.
An isotonic mixture happens to be perfect for sports drink given the mix of nutrients, vitamin, and minerals dissolved in water. The solution replenishes the body with fluid along with essential particles that are excreted in sweat. Unlike typical sports drinks, it has higher glucose content to provide athletes with enough energy reserve. More often than not, it contains 5-8% of simple sugar ideal to sustain normal level of blood glucose. Regular intake is advised before (300-600 ml), during (150-250 ml), and after (500-1000 ml) high endurance activities.
Apart from sugar, an isotonic drink also contains salt, vitamins, and minerals that are useful to regulate osmotic pressure. Vitamins may include citric acid, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, and tocopherols. Minerals are comprised of calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium, etc. Most of these are usually flushed out of the system during intense body exercises. In the same way, these are significant to regain natural homeostasis for total health and fitness.
A bottle of an isotonic drink is more than a bottle of water. Meaning, it provides more health benefits beyond the body’s need for hydration. Glucose alone is a great source of energy that requires less oxygen along the metabolic process. Electrolytes in form of salts aid in fluid absorption to combat the effects of dehydration. Vitamins as well as minerals are known as prime body regulators that keep a person radiant and active. For instance, Vitamin C boosts the immune system while Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant. Each component plays an important role for the general upkeep of one’s health
Nonetheless, an isotonic drink is not supposed to replace food consumption. In fact, it only secures modest amount of nutrients compared to regular meals. This is ascribed to the idea that the bottle contains a mixture of water, fruit juice, sugar, and salt that feed the body in the cellular level. Such a beverage can only quench thirst but absolutely not hunger, which can only be satisfied by food. No wonder, it works best along with proper dietary program for holistic nutrition.
Isotonic drinks are available in many different mixtures. The commercial ones are commonly enriched with extra nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to cover the various nutritional needs of the body. There are also home-made variants mainly consist of water, salt, and fruit juice. Aside from the health benefits of fruit, it also adds flavour into the mixture to stimulate the appetite. Luckily, isotonic sports drinks are prepared in various seasons such as orange, lemon, grapes, apple, and many other tropical tangs.
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