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Monday, November 29, 2010

Avoid allergies

An allergy is an adverse reaction that the body undergoes when it is exposed to an element or allergen – which may be food, clothing, animals, fluids, etc. – either through inhalation, ingestion, or even just mere exposure.  Once the body is exposed to an element that it is allergic to, it automatically releases histamines and many other chemicals as it tries to protect itself.  This however results in the body suffering various symptoms such as sore throat, itchiness in various areas in the skin, runny nose and nasal congestion, and in some cases respiratory congestion.  Allergies are often inherited but this does not mean that one family only suffers from one type of allergy.  Two children in one family can in fact suffer from two different allergies. For example, one child may suffer from hay fever while the other would have asthma.

For babies, breastfeeding is a very good way to avoid and counteract allergies.  Breastfeeding the baby in the first 6 months of its life greatly decreases the baby’s chances of succumbing to allergies as it grows older. This is due to the many different antibodies and chemicals that breast milk contains.  These antibodies act as barriers in the baby’s immune system which help it keep harmful allergens at bay.  Furthermore, these antibodies would be easily absorbed by the baby because it is human in nature.  Other chemicals which are artificial in nature have a chance of being rejected by the baby’s immune system.  It should be noted however that mothers who opt to breastfeed their highly allergic baby should also go on a diet that is free from allergens.  If she does not, the allergens present in the food that she eats can make their way into her breast milk and then into the baby.

In later stages of life, the best way to deal with allergies is to take away the allergens that cause it in the first place.  Once you have found out the allergens that can cause your allergies to flare up, try to stay away from them as much as you can.  If you are allergic to airborne allergens for example, such as airborne pollen, try to stay indoors as much as you can especially during windy days.  Keep your windows closed or at least put a screen on them to minimize the entry of airborne pollen into your room.  For problems such as eczema, you can ask your doctor for a prescription for a moisturizing cream that contains soap substitutes and even emollients.
If you find out that you are allergic to your pet, it is best to immediately look for another home for him. This would be better than keeping him in your home yet restricting him to the areas that he can go to or even keeping outside of the house. 

Also keep in mind that aside from the allergens themselves, there are other factors that can make allergies worse than they already are.  Smoke from tobacco and burning wood usually tend to irritate allergies and make them worse.  Aerosol sprays, polluted air, and cold temperatures also have the same effect.

This article is about allergies symptoms and how to keep away from them. For similar articles like this you can visit Fitness Holidays Europe.


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