Introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India back in the 1950’s, Transcendental Meditation has been widely popular garnering over six million trainees in 2008. Although it was initially introduced in India, the meditational practice reached United States that merited public attention especially among the student population. To better understand what allured many enthusiasts into this healthy habit, here are some interesting facts about the Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique.
It is a form of mantra meditation. The TM technique is done using mantras (sounds) to stimulate mind, body, and spirit. Utterance of sounds enables the trainee to achieve homeostasis thereby stabilizing the system. Unlike typical mantra reading, these mantras utilized along the process don’t hold significant spiritual meaning.
It is a part of Maharishi Vedic Approach To Health (MVAH). Inspired by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the TM technique is an essential element of Maharishi Ayurveda. In particular, it is an alternative medicine that complements western medicine. Health is achieved by restoring physiological balance while doing away of harmful body toxins.
It is based on scientific principles no less. Contrary to common belief, it is not grounded on religion or philosophy. Instead, it is guided by scientific concepts about body, behaviour, mind, and environment. TM technique meditators, as young as five years old, are less likely to develop heart diseases. Besides that, they tend to develop healthy interpersonal and social interaction.
It is done effortless and easy. Since TM technique requires you to be on your meditative state, trainees are expected to be at rest. The body is able to experience deep rest away from any form of physical stress. Nonetheless, the mind is fully conscious of one’s innermost self thereby enabling you to attain mental coherence. That explains why the state of health is also called restful alertness.
It is performed twice a day. While comfortably seated with eyes closed, feel free to indulge into a meditative state. The TM technique is done simple along with personalized mantras courtesy of professional trainers. Basically, it is done twice a day for only 15 to 20 minutes. That is not much to ask for physical, mental, and psychological health and fitness.
It promotes physical health. Sure, you can expect physiological benefits out of the TM technique such as lowered blood pressure, reversed body aging, and improved health. That is made possible by its anti-stress properties thereby reducing production of cortisol into the bloodstream. Such hormone dilates blood vessels thereby causing the heart to pump faster.
It facilitates mental health. Another TM advantage is mental health through optimum mind consciousness. The process incites brain functions by strengthening neural signals between the prefrontal cortex and the many other areas of the brain. In the same way, it also brings out intelligence and creativity as the mind enters the innermost field of consciousness.
It sustains psychological health. This time you can totally get rid of stress through calmed mind, body, and spirit. The TM technique allows you to drive away the cares of this life in order to attain inner peace. In turn, you get to stay on top of anything by keeping your optimism at all times.
Most importantly, Transcendental Meditation can lead to the Maharishi effect that suggests order and harmony through collective coherence.