Thursday, October 20, 2011

Transcendental Meditation

Introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India back in the 1950’s, Transcendental Meditation has been widely popular garnering over six million trainees in 2008. Although it was initially introduced in India, the meditational practice reached United States that merited public attention especially among the student population. To better understand what allured many enthusiasts into this healthy habit, here are some interesting facts about the Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique. 

It is a form of mantra meditation.  The TM technique is done using mantras (sounds) to stimulate mind, body, and spirit. Utterance of sounds enables the trainee to achieve homeostasis thereby stabilizing the system. Unlike typical mantra reading, these mantras utilized along the process don’t hold significant spiritual meaning.

It is a part of Maharishi Vedic Approach To Health (MVAH). Inspired by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the TM technique is an essential element of Maharishi Ayurveda. In particular, it is an alternative medicine that complements western medicine. Health is achieved by restoring physiological balance while doing away of harmful body toxins.  

It is based on scientific principles no less. Contrary to common belief, it is not grounded on religion or philosophy. Instead, it is guided by scientific concepts about body, behaviour, mind, and environment. TM technique meditators, as young as five years old, are less likely to develop heart diseases. Besides that, they tend to develop healthy interpersonal and social interaction.

It is done effortless and easy. Since TM technique requires you to be on your meditative state, trainees are expected to be at rest. The body is able to experience deep rest away from any form of physical stress. Nonetheless, the mind is fully conscious of one’s innermost self thereby enabling you to attain mental coherence. That explains why the state of health is also called restful alertness.

It is performed twice a day. While comfortably seated with eyes closed, feel free to indulge into a meditative state.  The TM technique is done simple along with personalized mantras courtesy of professional trainers. Basically, it is done twice a day for only 15 to 20 minutes. That is not much to ask for physical, mental, and psychological health and fitness. 

It promotes physical health. Sure, you can expect physiological benefits out of the TM technique such as lowered blood pressure, reversed body aging, and improved health. That is made possible by its anti-stress properties thereby reducing production of cortisol into the bloodstream. Such hormone dilates blood vessels thereby causing the heart to pump faster.

It facilitates mental health. Another TM advantage is mental health through optimum mind consciousness. The process incites brain functions by strengthening neural signals between the prefrontal cortex and the many other areas of the brain. In the same way, it also brings out intelligence and creativity as the mind enters the innermost field of consciousness.

It sustains psychological health. This time you can totally get rid of stress through calmed mind, body, and spirit. The TM technique allows you to drive away the cares of this life in order to attain inner peace. In turn, you get to stay on top of anything by keeping your optimism at all times.

Most importantly, Transcendental Meditation can lead to the Maharishi effect that suggests order and harmony through collective coherence.

Facial Mask with Aspirin

Did you know that you can avail of an excellent facial treatment in the comfort of your home? Yes, you can clear up your facial skin from acne, wrinkles, and dry skin simply by using affordable do-it-yourself facial remedy such as the facial mask with aspirin. To know more about this personal skin care remedy, here are some details about aspirin facial mask.

Although aspirin has been popular as an oral remedy for minor body pain, it has also been proven effective in treating facial skin problems. As a matter of fact, salicylic acid, found in aspirin, is infused in many commercial skin care products that you might have been using for years. Don’t get surprised if you happen to spot it on the product label.

Unfortunately, commercial skin care products can be costly. Some may even contain harsh elements infused into the facial solution or facial paste. That explains why you would be better off making your own facial mask with aspirin. At least you are fully aware of the formulation in case you have sensitive skin. Nonetheless, you are not advised to use topical aspirin when you are pregnant or breastfeeding, allergic to aspirin or salicylic acid, or you have broken skin.

Aspirin facial mask is not only affordable but also convenient. Making the paste is done quick and easy by dissolving three to four uncoated aspirin tablets into one tablespoon of lukewarm water. Instead of water, which is only recommended for oily skin, you can make use of jojoba oil for the solvent. Feel free to add honey or yogurt into the mixture, too.

As soon as you are done making the paste, you can gently apply it onto your face. Along the process, you can work on a thin film of aspirin facial mask all over your face while pampering yourself with a soothing massage. Once you’ve got everything covered, you can leave it for fifteen minutes. Simply rinse off when the fifteen-minute time is over. 

Perfect for the treatment of acne, aspirin contains anti-inflammatory properties. The same can also suppress twinge by disabling the synthesis of prostaglandins that signal pain. That means you can spare yourself from swollen pores along with skin redness, not to mention pain ascribed to inflammation.

Deep cleansing comes as another advantage of facial mask with aspirin. Thanks to its salicylic acid content that works best as an antiseptic by cleaning pores deep down. In the same way, it also provides exfoliation to get rid of dead skin cells thereby resurfacing your fresh new look.  

Of course you can also do away with acne-causing bacteria. Trust me you wouldn’t want to pass up on the anti-bacterial properties of honey. Yes, it looks like everybody’s favorite sweet delight happens to be your best refuge to drive away bacteria. Honey shall also come handy for skin cleansing and natural hydration. 

Apart from honey, yogurt or jojoba oil can also do the moisturizing tricks. Addition of these elements can definitely help retain skin moisture especially for those with normal to dry skin types. This way, you can also defy skin aging that is triggered by dry skin.

Gear up for healthy facial skin away from acne, wrinkles, and dryness using the facial mask with aspirin.

Cardio Salsa

Do you mind burning fats while having fun? This time you can drive away your blues while moving on your favorite groove and toning your physique. Sure, you can do all these at the same time when you step into the Cardio Salsa Program. Learn how you can readily do so given these interesting facts about the physical activity.

Also known as Zumba, Cardio Salsa has been created by Alberto Perez in Colombia. The fitness trainer accidentally left his aerobics tape intended for his class. As a result, he had to use the available Latin music material from his car. Such incident also compelled him to improvise the routines in order to suit non-traditional aerobic tunes.

Cardio Salsa is inspired by Latin music, particularly, Salsa and Merengue. Latin Salsa is characterized by Cuban music infused with modern beats of jazz, pop, rock, and rhythm and blues. Merengue music, moreover, happens to be the national music of the Dominican Republic. Other melodies used in the dance workout may include cumbia, flamenco, tango, and belly dancing music. 

As a dance exercise, it takes pride of salsa and merengue moves fused with many different dances. Salsa dancing is a hybrid of African and Cuban Rumba, not to mention the Son Dance. Merengue dance, on the other hand, is consists of mimicked body movements that resemble an egg beater in action. Many other dances incorporated in such physical activity may include hip hop, samba, mambo, and the like.

Of course Zumba is a cardio exercise incorporated with aerobics, in addition to dance routines. That means you can anticipate for lively workout activities perfect to improve breathing and blood flow. In turn, you get to work on your circulatory system by stimulating oxygen and blood circulation. 

Weight management is another health and fitness benefit of cardio salsa. The mix of slow and fast paced routines enables the trainee to shed off excess pounds. In particular, it burns around 500 to 1,000 calories per session thereby enabling you to get rid of unwanted fat deposits. Standard workout class usually lasts for one hour of dancing into basic cardio rhythms.

Apart from physical development, Zumba is also an avenue to develop your social skills. The workout class is an avenue for social interaction since trainees can mingle with the rest of the group members. Along the process, they also learn the value of self-discipline in order to successfully complete the program. As they attain ideal body form, they begin to develop self-esteem, too.

No need to worry though, cardio salsa is a fun activity. The program is a perfect way to unload your stress at the moment. In fact, the experience feels like partying in the coolest Latin clubs. Dance and aerobic routines are also free flowing so you wouldn’t have a hard time coping with one step to another. 

Here is the catch! Zumba workout programs are customized according to the interest of trainees. No wonder, it comes in various genres like Zumba Gold (basic fun routines), Zumba Toning (body sculpting routines), Aqua Zumba (pool cardio routines), Zumbatomic (kiddie cardio routines), Zumba In The Circuit (strength building routines), and Zumba Gold Toning (fun strength training routines). Consequently, Zumba classes are being handled by over 20,000 instructors in approximately 35 countries as of 2009.

Feel free to have fun while shaping up courtesy of Cardio Salsa fitness program.

Carb Blockers

Care to enjoy sweet delights? This time you don’t have to deprive yourself of sweet delights. In fact, you can have as much as you want without compromising your weight. That means you can keep your shape without controlling your intake of starchy and sugary provisions like rice, cake, and chocolate. Thanks to the advent of carb blockers that can restrain accumulation of glucose into the system. 

In case you haven’t heard yet, these are dietary pills made popular by the ability to block absorption of carbs into the bloodstream. That is made possible by special properties, found on the supplement hampering the effects of the digestive enzyme called alpha-amylase. As a result, the pills can alter the process of nutrient ingestion and digestion.

Carb blockers are inspired by the digestive function of alpha-amylase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible in the breakdown of carbohydrates along digestion. Secreted as an element of saliva, it is mixes along with ingested food to convert starch and glycogen into glucose and maltose, respectively. As a result, these nutrients are ready for absorption into the bloodstream.

If you are into carb blockers, expect a battle against alpha-amylase. This sort of supplement works to inhibit the enzyme from attaching to starch. In effect, it impedes the breakdown of glucose as well as absorption into the blood. Ingested carbs simply go through the body without being broken down into simple sugars.

Perhaps you are wondering about the secret formula of carb blockers. The pills may be formulated with white kidney beans that contain starch neutralizing substance. Binding with digestive enzymes, the substance can inhibit 50% to 75% of starch found in carbohydrates. Most likely, you can expect natural formulation out of this anti-carb remedy.

More often than not, the carb blocker pill is taken before eating starchy meals. Basically, it is a significant component of the so called, “The Starch Blocker Diet.” Along the process, you are expected to eat more starchy delights though you have to control your food cravings. Upon attaining neutralized starch, the body gets to gauge momentum over fat burning pursuits.

As soon as starch has been neutralized, the body gets to optimize its fat-burning pursuits. Since the body is not compelled to flush out high levels of insulin to regulate high amount of blood sugar, you get to spare yourself from storing more fats into the system.  Instead, you can commence into burning unwanted fats. 

Not everyone is advised to take carb blocker pills, though. Glucose is highly needed by the body being the primary source of energy. That explains why this pill is only advisable to those who are under low-carb diet program. In the same way, it might work best for diabetics who need to control blood sugar levels.

Nonetheless, intake of carb blockers shall not be enough to sustain weight loss. You might need some extra help through proper exercise and diet, not to mention self-discipline to make it through. No more worries, the formulation is all natural so you wouldn’t need to worry about harsh side effects.

Broccoli: Regulates The Blood Sugar Levels

Blood Sugar
This time you wouldn’t want to pass up on some broccoli servings. Yes, you cannot afford to miss this veggie especially when you’ve got high blood sugar levels. Broccoli contains nutritional elements that help regulate sugar in the bloodstream to control metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

For sure you might be wondering why broccoli seems to be a wonder veggie in controlling your blood sugar. Thanks to the key nutrients made available on this green and leafy vegetable from the cabbage family. In case you haven’t heard yet, veggies are best known for their body regulating functions made possible by its vitamin and mineral contents. 

What makes broccoli special is its Sulforaphane content. The compound has been popular for its ability to reduce high concentration of molecules that can trigger cell damage thereafter. In effect, it facilitates reduction of glucose into the bloodstream that brings out high sugar levels to protect blood vessels from getting damaged that may lead to cardiac arrest or stroke.

Although veggies are known for the starch component, Broccoli contains minimal amount. Instead, it has generous amount of dietary fiber that can defer absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream by slowing down the digestion process. The same also averts craving for starchy delights that can further boost blood sugar levels. As a result, it promotes healthy eating habits.

Broccoli is also rich in carotenoids which are not only beneficial as antioxidants. Based on studies conducted by Earl S. Ford, an Epidemiologist, there exists a link between these compounds and diabetes. As a matter of fact, high concentration of beta carotene in the blood has been associated with healthy sugar levels. In contrast, diabetics had only 80% of beta carotene on healthy individuals. Besides, carotenoids are also responsible in eradicating free radicals that may hamper insulin absorption to regulate blood glucose.

As a green and leafy veggie, broccoli is nonetheless abundant in Vitamin B-Complex. According to Dr. Carlton Fredericks, generous intake of Vitamin B-Complex may help diabetics ultimately do away with insulin. Perhaps, it is ascribed to the fact that B-Vitamins can regulate blood glucose levels. For instance, Thiamin (Vitamin B1) aids in converting glucose into energy. 

Vitamin content is but not limited to Vitamin B, broccoli also contains Vitamin C. Citric acid has been proven effective in preventing blood vessel damage as a consequence of diabetes. Studies also revealed that high doses of Vitamin C, at least 1000mg daily, tend to control blood sugar levels. Another extra advantage is that this micronutrient favours weight loss since relatively lower insulin level translates to lesser fat storage.

Many different minerals useful in regulating blood sugar are found in broccoli. These may include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. Calcium works wonders in weight loss by burning fatty acids rather than storing them. Consequently, lowering fat levels in the bloodstream stimulates insulin absorption that is commonly hampered by obesity. The same holds true in the three other essential minerals.

Sure, you better not pass up on regular broccoli servings in your meals to regulate your blood sugar!