The Mediterranean diet first rose to prominence sometime in the middle of the 1990’s. It was presented at the School of Public Health of Harvard University by Dr. Walter Willet. This is a diet that is mostly based on the diet patterns consumed by people living in Crete and most of Greece and people living in southern Italy during the 1960’s. Contrary to its name though, the Mediterranean diet is not characteristic of all cuisines in the Mediterranean area. For example, lard or butter is the common oil used in Northern Italy not olive oil as used in the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil is usually used as salad dressing and for flavoring cooked vegetables.
The Mediterranean diet emphasizes the abundance of plant foods as a major part of a daily diet. For dessert, the Mediterranean diet proposes the choice of fresh fruits over other typical desserts such as snacks, candies, and sweets. It also promotes the choice of olive oil as the main source of fats.
Dairy products, such as yoghurt and cheese, are consumed only in small to moderate amounts in the Mediterranean diet. The same goes for fish and poultry products. A maximum of only 4 eggs are to be consumed on a weekly basis while red meat is to be consumed only in low minimal amounts. Red wine is a part of the Mediterranean diet and it is to be consumed in small to moderate amounts.
The Mediterranean diet is supposed to contain a maximum fat content of no more than 35% of the total calories with the saturated fat going no more than 8% of the total calories.
It should also be noted that aside from these foods, the Mediterranean diet also emphasizes the importance of regular exercise or physical activity in the pursuit of better health. Furthermore, this diet stresses how small portions of food can help greatly in improving eating habits and how essential it is to have fresh foods and a balanced eating habit.
One of the major aspects of the Mediterranean diet is its focus on the high consumption of olive oil, legumes, and different kinds of unrefined cereals. It also promotes the high consumption of fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, the Mediterranean diet encourages only small amounts of meat and other related meat products. While fish and fish products, dairy products, and wine are to be taken in moderate amounts.
The Mediterranean diet is commonly associated with beneficial health effects due to its characteristic as having very low contents of saturated fat ( the “bad” fat) while having generous amounts of monounsaturated fat (the “good” fat) and dietary fiber. Additionally, the moderate presence of red wine in the diet also makes it beneficial health wise because red wine is a very good source of powerful antioxidants that are good for the health of the body.
There have even been studies on the Mediterranean diet in the field of psychiatry that concluded that most of the people who were following the diet were a lot less probable to develop depression in their lives.
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